I know I am a tota slacker and haven't kept my blog up at all lately so here is a big quick update on our lives for the past year or so.
We love longview tough we miss our friends and family i colorado dearly. It has been really nice watching our little ome come together. we are getting ready to paint so there is a bunch of paint missing from our place at the momnt. Tad spent a good part of last weekend pressure washing so now we need to scrape and paint wo hoo.
Tad is the elders quarum secretary and we are both still wolf den leaders. great callings but both require a lot of energy.
Tad is still working for Cowlitz bank and loving it. They ave been so wonderful to us and the people e works with are great. I am still massaging and it is wonderful. i am taking a little bit of a break right now for maternity leave but hope to return after our little Cierra gets here.
If you didn't guess it we are having a little girl. We are so very excited it has been a long time coming and wating to get pregnant and we are now 30 weeks and having a healty baby girl at the end of this summer. We ave seen her a come times on ultrasounds and she is super active and stron. she has great vital signs and we have a lot of fun playing with her already. Tad will spend hours poking and pushing on her just to feel her move. se loves her daddy se rolls to fallow where ever his voice is in the room or where ever his and may be at the time.
Tad's little brother Peter got married last Dec. to a beautiful girl named Lizet whom we love dearly se is wonderful. They are also having a baby in nov. The are 10 weeks behind us. They are also aving a little girl so that will be so muc fun.
My neices and nephew are growing like crazy but doing very well. I can't believe ow big they all are. Willow is walking and trieing to talk, RJ is 8 and is totally a boy and Ryleigh is so cute she is trouble.
That is what has been appening a short version of a long story I am hopeing to be better at keep up the blog now that I am not working as muc. But all in all life is great and we are doing well. Eac day brings new ligt and joy and we are just trieing to enjoy it as it comes.
ps sorry my h key is acting funny