Thursday, April 17, 2008


Life has been crazy lately, but we wouldn't have it any other way. The big moving day is this Saturday. Life is going to be different that is for sure. We are moving in with Tad's parents for a few months so Tad can finish school, then it is on to Washington. We are buying a duplex and are going to be living in one side and renting out the other side. I am so excited to actually be able to paint the walls what ever color I want.
Tad will be done with school in the beginning of August. He will be taking a little break and then it is back for his BA. I am so proud of him and how dedicated he is. He will be trying to get a job at a credit union for a while, so he has some interaction with the public.
Our computer totally crashed this last weekend so that has been hard considering that Tad's classes are online, but life happens.
Still no babies but we are ok with that. We are defiantly hoping soon but we know that everything happens in the Lord's time not our, we are very grateful for the time we get together in the mean time. We know we will be blessed some day in the mean time we can just love all of our friend's and family's babies.
We are going to Washington over the 4th of July so I am hoping to get some picture of the duplex up for all to see.

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